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MDL Voice & Acting Studio

Ever find yourself wondering, “Why me?” when things just aren’t clicking in your artistic journey?

I get it. I started my path in the performing arts as a teen, thrown into a world of singing, acting, and musical theatre at Jacksonville University. Those early days were tough. I was out of my element, struggling with voice lessons that felt too advanced and acting parts that didn't quite fit. There were plenty of moments filled with frustration and self-doubt where I, too, asked, “Why me?”

But over time, those challenges morphed into growth. I learned to harmonize my abilities with my ambitions, and slowly but surely, singing and performing started to feel right. This transformation wasn't just about improving my skills but also about understanding and overcoming the hurdles that once made me question my choices.

Now, as a teacher, I draw on my own roller-coaster experiences to help others who might be in that familiar place of doubt and difficulty. If you’re asking yourself, “Why me?” because your current endeavors in voice, acting, or music aren't panning out as you hoped, I’m here to help guide you through it. We’ll explore new methods, tailor approaches specifically for you, and create a supportive environment where you can thrive.

So, “Why me?” as your teacher? Because I’ve been right where you are, and I know how to help you move past the “Why me?” phase into something empowering and exciting. Let’s unlock what makes your artistic voice unique, together.


Studio Hours & Availability

Please take a moment to carefully review our scheduling guidelines before making a purchase. Once you're ready, you can check the calendar to find a date and time that best suits you. Thank you!



Take a look at the lesson packages I offer to find out what is right for you!


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